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What is the Airbit Marketplace?

The Marketplace is where customers come to browse all the beats on Airbit to use for their recording projects. It is an opportunity for you to get some extra visibility + sales from customers we bring in with our own Marketing methods.

The Marketplace includes everything on, except your personal profile page ( Selling on the Marketplace is optional, and provides some great benefits to you if you opt in:

  • Chance to get extra sales from customers who otherwise may not've come across you or your work.
  • More payment options for buyers (vs. personal stores), meaning more sales opportunities for sellers
  • Chance to be chosen as one of our weekly staff picks or as the producer of the week.
  • Chance to have your beat featured in our banner position, as a featured beat
  • You can promote a beat, which will see your chosen beat added to our homepage, and to the top of relevant search & browse results

You can opt in or out of selling on the Marketplace in Dashboard > Selling Tools > Selling Preferences, or click here.

The Marketplace may not be your main source of traffic, so don't rely on it as your only source of income, but it's great to get some extra exposure, free promo, and extra sales.

You can also use the Marketplace to find other producers who you might want to work with and co-produce beats with!

Please note you have a separate Marketplace profile page ( 

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  1. Ellis Houslin

  2. Posted
  3. Updated


  1. Trip Lavine

    I do not agree with the 20% commission one bit on top of not having automatic collab splits. Paypal takes a % off also plus we are paying $20 monthly already to use this platform. I might have to go back to beatstars because this isn't fair. Where did it state this commission in  your guys pricing?

  2. Whiteboi Beats

    Airbit really needs to reevaluate this and change it. You guys are nearly the only beat selling platform not only taking commissions from sales but 20%? We also already have to pay service fees with PayPal and stripe which brings our revenue down a bit. Not to.lention airbir atill doesn't have automatic collab splits on sales and other tools that many other platforms have.  If airbit is taking that much from each sale then I would expect airbit to be alot further along as a company with new features and tools for its customers. And like others mentioned, you guys clearly atate that in the description of memberships that we keep 100% of sales. I love airbit but truly believe you guys should be further along than you are. Hopefully you guy ls can meet our needs and remove commisons which would be a step in the right direction.

  3. oxxo

    All the producers below are right. You guys are not only thieves, you’re also liars. The sign up page for the subscription clearly said that you keep 100% of all sales under the platinum Producer program. Why would I pay for a  yearly subscription to sell beats on your store and still have you keep 20% off all sales?? This should have been explicitly mentioned on the price comparison page before we subscribe. This is clearly unethical. In a time where Artists get paid close to nothing for the song streams you guys are trying to roll producers of their money too. 

  4. ZihKing

    You guys are thieves!! I can't believe you took $40 from a $200 sale and I have a Platinum Membership. This bullshit about commission being taken when marketplace is being used is ridiculous! No commission should be taken when you have a platinum membership! The youtube thing I can understand, but not the marketplace commission when I have a platinum membership!!