Everything you need to know about uploading your beats!
Beats can be uploaded by clicking Upload beats on you Dashboard homepage, or by going to Music & Media > Beats > Upload. You can upload as many beats as you like at once, and you can upload the WAV f...
What are tagged beats? Tagged beats are simply beats that have your voicetag (watermark) on them. This is the best protection you can get when placing your music online, it will render the beats usel...
Trackouts are the individual tracks for each instrument in your work project, which you can provide to your customers so they more freedom with the mix when adding their vocals. Trackouts must be pr...
You can now schedule beats to be released at a set time & date, freeing you up to carry on with your day-to-day, knowing your beats will become available without you sitting over your computer And it...
To add files to existing beats, or replace existing files on your beats head over to Dashboard > Music & Media > Beats > Upload Click the 'Replace' option [img src="https://airbit.kayako.com/base/me...
Go to Dashboard > Selling Tools > Connect Socials Click either the Facebook or Twitter login buttons and go through the permissions that you are asked for [img src="https://airbit.kayako.com/base/me...
When uploading your beats to Airbit, you can automatically post these to YouTube & TikTok, with the videos created for you. Using our upload process, a video will be created containing your artwork, t...